Tuesday, March 29, 2011

FixDown - Links


Take the last part of the URL (marked in red) that is not working for you e.g.


and paste it onto the end of each new link below - like this one:


The final working URL will then look like this:


Now - just paste this into flashget (remember to use referrer - See Below)


New Working Links::












This link works every time








Password-protected Links (wqsky.com)

Same procedure as above - just use:




UnRAR password: wqsky.com


"Freedown"-Links - These links have the word "freedown" in them

Same procedure as above - just use:







For MAC OSX Links:

Same procedure as above - just use:









0daycn Links - FG/ZA/NIS Guide

A lot of members have trouble downloading links from many of these posts. The reason for this is that the

sites from which we get the links such as fixdown.com and ttdown.com

REQUIRE you to use FLASHGET as the download manager to download these links.

If you have a Firewall installed, you may still have trouble in downloading these files. To get around this

without having to disable your Firewall and you are using one of the following programs:-

Norton Internet Security


1) Open NIS

2) Click Options

3) Select Internet Security

4) Now go to Webcontent

5) Check all boxes to "Permit"(esp. Information about visited site)

6) Click OK

7) And you are done

Crap Software Pro


Open the Crap Software configuration panel by double clicking on the Crap Software icon on the bottom right of your Windows

Taskbar, or by opening Crap Software from the "Start" and "Programs" menu.

Select the "Privacy" menu on the left hand side.

Click on the button labelled "Custom", in the "Cookie Control" section.

Remove the tick from "Remove Private Header Information".

Click "OK", then close the Crap Software configuration panel

You should now get 0daycn files without you disabling your firewall.

*Also note that Opera users may still be able to download files without even worrying about all this.

** Some Links from 0daycn are provided for Direct Download Only and FlashGet gives an Error like

cannot open file etc. onceit starts receiving file. This applies to few and not all files. So if you are

unable to download the files using FlashGet and see this error, then try the Direct Download by simply

copying the link into your Browser.


Install Flashget:

1. Download & Install Flashget.

2. When you open FlashGet, Go to HELP -- REMOVE BANNER ADS and enter the information from the text file. This will Register the product.

3. Reboot your Computer, reconnect to the internet and open Flashget.

4. Go to "Tools" + "Options + "Connection" and set "Max simultaneous jobs" = 1 and click "OK"

Using Flashget:

1. Highlite ONE of the links in a post, Right Click and Select Copy.

2. Flashget will automatically open a special "Add new download"-window.

3. In that special window you will see

* At top is the link that you copied.

* Beneath that is the word REFERRER (See Attatched Image).

Type www.fixdown.com or www.fixdown.net

* Set "Split file" = 1 part simultaneous

* Click "OK"

4. Flashget now start the download.


* Hint 1: Lately the best results has been achieved with FTP-links

* Hint 2: Be patient - Flashget will often reconnect multiple times before succes.

* Hint 3: If the link does not work, go to the next link that is posted etc.

Now in FlashGet

open the Add new download and fill the fields as follows:

URL: The URL you copied appear here

Click the: Find alternate URL's through....

Refferer: Type w*w.fixdown.com or w*w.fixdown.net

Category: downloaded

Save to: Enter your download path here

Rename: file.rar (rename file if you want)

split file: Set split File = 1 part simultaneous

start: immediately



Lately, ttdown.com have stopped displaying actual download links on their appz pages.

Even if someone posts the actual download link, it's likely to change after a few days.

However, you can use this simple method to obtain the current download link.

If you just want to fix a dead link and already know the app's ID (see below), skip the next 3 paragraphs.

First you need to see if the app you want is listed on ttdown's site. Go to their website

(currently h*tp://soft.ttdown.com/), type part of the app name in the search window

(the data entry window near the top LH corner of the screen, just below the title bars and

next to 2 square buttons), click Enter and if you're in luck, you will see the program's

name listed as a red link on the Search Results page (h*tp://soft.ttdown.com/Search_Soft.asp).

Copy and paste this red link into a text file. It should look something like this:


where 12345 is ttdown's ID for this app. (it could be any number)

Now copy this next link into the same text file:


Now, replace xxxxx with the app ID so the link looks like this:


Paste that into your browser to take you to the download page and get the links from there.

It may help if you paste either the SoftView link or the ViewDownURL link into FlashGet's

Referrer field.




If you use the ttdown.com to download the software

use the following Tips

search for the one green button

(which will prompt a window for downloading the software and links will be provided)

always download the file in parts (i.e., ttdown.com style that means when your download file is

corrupt the whole will be corrupt in other dot com provided and not in ttdown.com

where you have

option of downloading the same in part or parts

they frequently change the downloading site from one to one in just 24 hours should be aware

of the ttdown.com/soft_view?softid=xxxxx pages where the software you are downloading now.

always visit the page first and they from u download the file always in the part and in queue.

if your file is not downloading and showing the error that file could not be downloaded the

only think you have to do is just delete the file and delete it from the delete folder also otherwise

use the shift + del for deleting the file and prompt you for deleting the url and file also? yes for it.

then add the url from the site and not by manual entry.

otherwise you cannot download the file.

always use the default downloader like flashget (the best downloader) reget instantget dap etc.

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